
The big mistakes on resumes to avoid

Writing a resume or updating one? Avoid some elementary mistakes to ensure you at least get an opportunity to personally present your candidature. Google’s Senior Vice President of People Operations, Laszlo Bock – wrote a post recently on Linked (he is a an “Influencer” contributor, where he lists the most common mistakes on resumes that [...]

How to communicate effectively as retail sales representative

Got a job as a retail sales representative? One of the important requirements of the job will be to communicate effectively with shoppers. While general verbal communication skills is an imperative, the ability to communicate in English will be a great bonus for anyone doing floor sales in a retail outlet, especially the higher end [...]

Six lessons in ‘managing up’ for career progression

Managing bosses i.e. ‘managing up’ is a critical skill in career progression that often doesn’t get as much attention as managing down (managing subordinates). Here, I share some simple and important lessons I have observed and absorbed over my 20 years of work experience in different types of organisations with diverse cultures, including running my [...]

How to improve productivity and effectiveness at work

Productivity and effectiveness are among the most desirable characteristics that managers look for in their team. High productivity and effectiveness indicate a high degree of output of the right kind. The former is closely tied to time management and how well one manages the most precious resource at a person’s disposal, while effectiveness is more [...]