
The Power of Saying “NO”

In life and in business we are always wanting to please people. Unless you are 100% satisfied with who you are and what you are doing in life, we are always wanting more. There does become a point in our lives where we have achieved what we wanted to achieve and we don’t want to go back [...]

The Perfect body language at an interview

Not known to many, yet only a mere 10% of communication comes from the words we actually speak. The maximum amount of communication is mainly carried out through our body language and how we hold and conduct our bodies. Studying or reading up more on the concept and interpretation of body language will make you [...]

5 Mistakes That Could Easily Derail Your Career

During the Great Recession, when huge layoffs and frequent downsizings were the general order of the day for many employers. literally millions of men and women were in constant, sometimes paralyzing fear that the next “heads” on “the chopping block” could quickly and easily end up being their own. Thank goodness, now that hiring and retention [...]

10 tips for your summer internship

Summer is just around the corner. And that means summer vacations and for many students … that also means your first summer job or internship. Here are tips for how to make the most out of your summer internship. Who knows … this could be the first step to landing your dream job out of [...]

How to solve an employee query in HR department?

You are the HR executive in ABC Company and are tasked with dealing with employees’ queries and problems. You wish to do your job perfectly and be of assistance to every employee. Solving an employee’s doubt satisfactorily is of importance to an HR executive. This is because HR department is often the internal face of [...]

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