
Ace any interview with the right soft skills

Posted on | March 6, 2013 | No Comments

Are you confused about why you never got a call back from the interview you gave? You cleared the tests and aced the personal interview round, so why were you not offered the job? This is a common story of a lot of job enthusiasts. But wait before you come to the conclusion that you lack qualifications needed for the job. Many times, you may be the best candidate in terms of qualification, and yet you cannot get the desired job!

So what is that you lack, which does not qualify you enough for even a second round call? The degrees that you posses and the certificates that you flourish speak about your academic achievements, technical skills, knowledge, and expertise. However, do they speak anything about your personality, traits, or your mental wavelength?

We all know that during an interview, apart from your qualifications, an interviewer also notices your body language and gauges your confidence based on how you carry yourself. It is not just your educational qualifications that matter, but even your soft skills play an important role in helping you land a job.

So, what are the soft skills that are a must for job seekers? There are a few soft skills that any employer desires in his employees , and the good thing is that one can easily develop these soft skills.

  • Honesty: This one goes without saying! An honest employee is an asset for any organization. Honesty does not imply simply being truthful. It means that the employee is dedicated towards his work and gives his 100% to any task under him. Honesty and integrity rank highest on desired soft skills list, simply because an honest person is valuable for the company’s success.
  • Strong work ethics: A person who believes that work is not big or small, but work is work – why wouldn’t any employer grab such a person! Strong work ethics are a sought-after skill as it ensures that the person will behave like a thorough professional and get the work done as and when required.
  • Emotional intelligence: How do you react in times of crisis? Do you square your shoulders and face the problem or do you crumble down? A corporate job is full of challenges and hurdles and one needs to be strong, mentally and emotionally, in order to survive through. Emotional intelligence means that you have the strength and willpower to tackle any problem head-on.

While you are polishing your educational qualifications, also devote some time for developing and enhancing your soft skills!


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