
Career Opportunities for Data Analysts

Posted on | December 15, 2015 | No Comments

With more companies using big data, there has been a surge in the demand for data analysts who have the expertise to organize tons of information and draw insights.

A study by QuinStreet Inc. shows that the trend of implementing Big Data Analytics has become a top priority among U.S. businesses. Most of the organizations have either implemented data analysis feature in their organization or are making plans to set up the facility in the next two years.

Rob Bearden, CEO of Hortonworks opined that it is one of the most sought-after positions as there is a huge supply and demand imbalance for qualified data analysts in the industry with the talent pool is just 20 percent of the demand. An attractive salary package makes it a preferred career choice for freshers who are just out of school. Experienced data analysts with necessary skill sets will find this career choice a lucrative option.

The functions of a data analyst include basically three specialty fields of technologists, who make algorithm codes to trawl the massive data, statisticians and quantification experts; and artist-explorers, who find the fine prints that may escape an ordinary pair of eyes.

Becoming a data analyst
The real boss of any data analyst is the big data and the smartest way to please the boss will be to master the art of wading through the piles of data without losing one’s cool and to find pieces that are important and strategic for their business.

Job description
Data analyst jobs are not for everyone! The ideal candidate should have a natural aptitude in mathematics, statistics and data coupled with excellent analytical skills. A perfect communication skill is another must to have attribute for a data analyst as he or she will be needed to interact with the various departments and offer the best possible solutions to problems.

To put it in a nut shell, a data analyst’s job involves exploring data, unveiling the hidden story beneath and offering explanations behind the data. The scope of job can vary from one industry to the next. In general, data analysts are responsible for analyzing and summarizing data to pull out relevant information and strategic conclusions. Data analysts must ponder deep into the business questions and analyze the data and statistical techniques effectively.

As a career choice
Becoming a data analyst will be a rewarding career choice in data analytics and business intelligence for those who are capable of working in tandem with the executive or departmental management of a company and can impact the operations of the company.

Basic education needed
The basic qualification for a data analyst is an undergraduate degree in a field such as accounting, business, statistics, and mathematics or computer science. Senior positions may require the candidates to have a master’s or doctoral degree in one of these subjects.

A data analyst is someone who examines the data using data analysis tools to extract useful results from the raw data to enable their employers or clients to make strategic operational decisions by analyzing information.

Technology professionals experienced in Analytics can make a successful career in data analysis by harnessing the power of Big Data. The demand for data analysts have doubled in the recent past, throwing open countless job openings for professionals.

Job opportunities
Data analysts can work part-time, full-time or on contractual basis in various business lines like government organizations, finance, education, consumer goods and technology among others.


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