
Is there something called a dream job?

Posted on | October 4, 2012 | No Comments

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

Most of us are familiar with this quote but has anyone of us successfully found a job that we love to do and can do forever. Ideally, can we say there is a job that you and I can term as a dream job? Yes indeed. Your dream job might not exist but you can definitely create one.

Let us find out in this article on ways to create your dream job.

Most of us are not sure what our dream job would be like. Trapped in a cubicle, our vision becomes blurry, and our expectations turn impractical. The first thing to do is to write down your thoughts. What are you best skills? What do you enjoy to do the most? Will there be takers for your services? In addition, would you earn enough to stay afloat?

These are some practical questions, which you need to find answers, before making that move to quit your secure job.

Exercise clarity of thoughts

Write down what you love to do. Do not delve deep into business plan or pricing/sales goals. Honestly, going much into numbers is a spoiler but ignoring them completely may prove impractical. Therefore, if you are sitting in your office today and thinking that you are wasting your time in doing futile work, it is about time you exercise clarity of thoughts and analyze what you want to do.  Also, plan how you intend to design your workdays.

Be persistent

Even Steve Jobs had to experience failure before his big hit Apple. You are no different. There may be times when people will think you are crazy and may reject you out rightly. However, do not get disappointed. Be persistent in your efforts and keep going. Listen to your inner self; don’t let others take your decision.

Seek help

It takes a lot of courage to quit your corporate job and go behind your dreams. You may come across several people who would think you are brave to do this. You should be proud of your decision and must make sure you don’t falter at any step. For this, read books on your chosen field, take courses to brush up your skills, attend seminars, events and conferences, and lastly talk to your friends. Many people out there are ready to give you career guidance and career tips. Go diligently and patiently.


If you are unhappy with your job and simply passing from one paycheck to other, do something about it. You may not be able to leave your job immediately due to financial constraints. So, start saving money and leave when you think you have enough backing. With a little clarity, persistence, patience, and help, you can create your dream job. Career opportunities are galore, chose to be in the field that


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