
LinkedIn Best Practices To Build Your Professional Profile

Posted on | November 25, 2015 | No Comments

LinkedInLinkedIn is the best place to make people see and hear about your professional expertise and subject matter expertise. Set up a profile on LinkedIn and be your own brand ambassador in this vast and engaging promotional real estate.

An engaging LinkedIn Profile will ensure a prime branding opportunity on  a platter to market your skills.

With over 200million LinkedIn members, no profile will go unnoticed here! Enjoy first class credibility and exposure for your professional brand in this buzzing platform where millions of users engage with each other to build and network business relations, However, what makes or breaks your image ultimately is a professional profile.

Before setting up your profile, think about the image that you want to portray about your organization to other LinkedIn members. Be personal, original and above all persistent.

Here are a few tips that will make sure that your profile is well optimized and professional

Tip #1 Do not forget to use a catchy tagline and a photo

Make sure to make your headline attractive and catchy by adding descriptive keywords that give the viewers your job description in a nutshell. Make sure to add a professional yet engaging snapshot to give your brand a personal touch.

Tip # 2: A hard hitting summary that spells confidence and passion

Let people know about your passion and expertise in an interesting story telling mode peppered with summary and experience fields. Make sure to bring in more value and response by retaining the pitch of your diction.

Tip # 3: Get spotted!

Tag your profile with media links to images, presentations, documents or videos, so that people can take a peek at your professional achievements and milestones. This will help the prospective employers to hand pick the most desirable candidates in the shortest possible time. Be under the spotlight with your unique and interesting profile presentation. You can add the details of projects that you have handled to your profile or mention the team members who have worked with you in specific projects.

Tip #4: It is all about building networks

Make sure to use this thriving online platform of LinkedIn to get connected with your coworkers and others in your professional network and enhance your brand.

Tip #5: Be Relevant. Be popular

Use your LinkedIn Status updates to create a buzz and to let your voice heard on the network.  Some simple ways to keep your status updated and to get on top of heaps of data will be to participate in group discussions, sharing content in groups or even an article from LinkedIn Today.

Tip#6 Customize your public profile URL.

Give a  smart professional look to your personal profile by customizing your LinkedIn public profile URL. It not just looks clean and concise but is easy to share as well

Tip#7 Add a LinkedIn background photo

Jack up the personality of your LinkedIn profile by adding a background photo of your own. Just keep in mind to choose a professional photo that goes well with the character of this network

Tip#8 Make a Profile Badge for your blog.

If you have a personal website or blog, add a profile badge that links to your public LinkedIn profile to enhance your online visibility and networking. Get creative with your badge or choose from the different badge designs available.

Now that have set up a professional LinkedIn profile, you can make the best use of it to land in new and bigger job positions, to add up to your network and above all to create a professional brand for you online. Best of luck and happy networking!

Reference sources:


Image Source: LinkedIn


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