
Upgrade your soft skills to expand you career horizon

Posted on | July 5, 2013 | No Comments

Dissimilar to hard skills, which focus on an individual’s skill set and ability to perform technical tasks rather than interpersonal ones, soft skills refer to the personal traits of an individual. It is a cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication skills, personal habits, and many more. Even though soft skills and hard skills complement each other, they stand poles apart.

It is crucial to learn and acquire soft skills as they help you grab the right career opportunities. Often addressed to as interpersonal skills or people’s skill, soft skills includes a plethora of tones:

  •   Communication skills
  •   Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
  •   Personal Effectiveness
  •   Creative Problem Solving
  •   Strategic Thinking
  •   Team Building
  •   Influencing and Selling Skills, and many more.

It has been indicated that in a number of professions, soft skills are considered more significant over the long term occupational accomplishments. Along with the standard qualifications, any and every organization seeks for both these qualities to be embedded in the candidates they wish to hire.

What are Etiquettes?

The term etiquettes refer to the encrypted code of polite behavior in social or professional groups. They are invisible guidelines that control one’s behavior in society. This is a set of norms that you acquire from society as to how to interact with your superiors, co- workers, parents, professors, friends, etc. The way you walk, talk and behave in society has a lot to say about you as a person and about your upbringing. Hence, learning etiquettes are important as it empowers you to earn respect and appreciation in society. It inculcates a sense of faith and loyalty in the individual, develops one’s maturity and instills the quality of valuing relationships, irrespective of whether it’s personal or professional.  

Program features:

  •   Exclusively Designed Program for working professionals & Young aspirants.
  •   Feel the change after the program, which would be undertaken by the industry experienced coaches using well thought concepts.

The course covered in three-day program:

  •   Introduction to soft skills & Etiquettes
  •  Why we require to learn these skills?
  •   Business & Corporate Ethics
  •  Inter- cultural & International Etiquettes
  •  Problem Solving & Conflict Resolution
  •   Presentation & Communication Techniques
  •   Interpersonal Skills
  •  Emotional intelligence
  •   Team Building
  •   Effective Meetings
  •   Business Card Rules
  •   Clothing & Dressing Sense
  •   Telephone Do’s & Don’ts
  •   Tour, Travel & Driving Know how
  •   Fine Dining
  •   Washroom Etiquettes
  •   Participating in Party or Events
  •   Social Etiquettes
  •   Desk Management
  •   Workplace Etiquettes
  •   Hiring & Firing Tips
  •   Negotiation Techniques
  •   Customer & Vendor Handling
  •   Effective use of Internet & Email
  •   Respecting Religion
  •   Employee & Employer Behavior

Enrolling in this professional three-day course will give you the right career guidance to benefit in the long run. Mumbaikars can enroll for this program which will be held from the 14th to the 16th of February 2014, at Hotel Vits in Andheri (E).

Contact number for any query: 09818415819, 0120- 4543425.

For more information about the program, click here:



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