
Video Resume- Have you heard about it?

Posted on | October 10, 2012 | No Comments

Every person has a desire to get a top position job in a multinational company. While some are lucky to fulfill their desire, not all people are successful in getting their dream job. You may have the requisite skills to grab a managerial job in a reputed firm but may lack the proficiency to sell your skills. Lately, this is seen, as one of the biggest reasons for failure to get your dream job. The traditional paper style resume may restrict you to display your abilities in the best possible manner.

If you are unable to impress an employer with your resume, then your chance of getting the desired role becomes dimmer. A video CV is a unique way that allows you to display your abilities and capabilities differently. It allows prospective employers to see and hear the applicants. A pre-recorded video resume is in demand, specifically in today’s digital world, where screen presence is important. This modern method of skill presentation is gradually gaining popularity, typically among the MNC’s.

Here are top benefits of using an audio-visual resume:

  • It makes you visible - A video is a powerful medium to convey your message to the recipient. It definitely works! It is an excellent way to highlight your qualities even as attracting employer’s attention to your repertoire. A video resume is the ideal way that differentiates you from the others. The employers will give you first priority over hundreds of other contenders with a paper resume format.
  • Simple to prepare – A video resume is easy to prepare and do not take much time. Just get a digital camera, find a proper place, and shoot your live portfolio. This is the ideal way to present yourself and show your confidence. This type of job application is specifically suitable for job seekers who wish to apply in media firms. For instance, if you have applied for the post of a Communications Manager, a video resume is the best way to display your communication skills.
  • Helps in giving results quickly – Most employers prefer video resumes to traditional paper CV, since it is a quick tool, which speeds up the hiring process. Employers can judge the applicant’s skills, body language, and presentation and communication skills, all at a time through a video resume.

Video job applications are becoming popular these days. Therefore, if you plan to use this method to convey your curriculum vita e, then make sure to record a movie that has a proper video resolution and the voice quality. Show your confidence in your presentation and grab the best shot to your dream job.

If you still feel that a paper resume is the ideal way to impress the employer, choose the best job resume template. Ultimately, it is your choice of words and way of presentation that would make the final impact.


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