How to grow fast in the corporate ladder – 10 Tips
The world is moving fast and our expectations from our lives have changed. We are more career oriented now, seek to beat the odds and be entrepreneurs, and strive for success in whatever we do. But what defines our professional success is purely subjective to what we aspire to be in life. Read more
Before your company stops loving YOU
This is going to be a tough conversation. Provocative, disturbing, but necessary.
Imagine yourself going to work tomorrow. You are walking into your office building with energy, enthusiasm and excitement. You are making plans in your mind about the meetings you need to attend, the calls you need to make and the reports you need to present. You get past the revolving door, the turnstile, the lift lobby. You take the lift to your floor and you enter your office premises.
Upgrade your soft skills to expand you career horizon
Dissimilar to hard skills, which focus on an individual’s skill set and ability to perform technical tasks rather than interpersonal ones, soft skills refer to the personal traits of an individual. It is a cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication skills, personal habits, and many more. Even though soft skills and hard skills complement each other, they stand poles apart. Read more