
How to deal with your first job interview stress?

Posted on | May 18, 2012 | No Comments

A job interview is never simple. No matter how many interviews you have given so far. This is a situation where each individual feels anxious. Selling anything is hard, be it a product or your skills. To make this process easy and get it right in the first attempt, here are the job interview tips that may help.

A proper homework is the key to avoid stress and nervousness before a job interview.

  • Practice: – Go through the typical interview questions which an employee may generally ask. During school/college days, your teacher might have asked you to justify your answers with an example to score excellent marks, the same rule applies here. While presenting your skills to the employer, try and give actual examples or situations that call for interesting conversations. Marketing your qualities through real instances is a great way to promote your candidature.
  • Prepare: – Prepare your response beforehand to pass the interview hurdles smoothly. Do homework about the company, interviewer’s name, and current affairs related to the company. Don’t fumble while speaking and confidently speak what you know about the company. Get a basic idea about the company before heading for an interview.
  • Dress decently: – Your attire is the first feature that gets noticed in an interview. Make sure you wear neat, tidy and formal attire while appearing for an interview. Your dressing speaks a lot about your personality, remember this statement forever. Wearing casual clothes or funky sandals will give a bad impression about you and may hint a casual attitude for work.
  • Punctuality matters: – Punctuality is vital for success. Be on time for an interview. On time means five minutes before the interview time. Reaching before time will give you some time to relax.
  • Be confident: – During an interview, always be calm and make yourself comfortable. Maintain an eye contact with the employer and speak whatever you know confidently. Pay attention to the question and let the interviewer complete his/her question first.
  • Exhibit your skill: – Career opportunities are massive if you know how to exhibit your skills. Remember one thing, the interview venue is market and interviewer is the customer. So, you need to approach the whole process confidently. Provide relevant examples wherever essential to enhance your work-related skills.

The above career tips can prepare you for an interview but success depends upon how you use these tips effectively. Follow the above career guidance tips to create an impressive image on the employer’s mind.


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