
Job hunting tips to get your dream job

Posted on | May 10, 2012 | No Comments

It is true that seeking employment is a tedious procedure that consumes a lot of energy, time and resources. Over and above, it becomes an exhausting procedure emotionally, physically as well as psychologically.

Hence individuals looking out for jobs must consider job hunting tips. Here are some top tips that employment seekers must try.

Know yourself:-

Start with making sincere analysis of your real strengths. Then analyze which of your skills are transferable. In simple words, you must be clearly aware of what you can offer to the recruiting firm and how will you carry it out.

Decide what you want:-

If you are not clear and specific about what you are looking for, then there is no point in looking out for jobs. Believe it or not, there are people who have spent years in a company working without even knowing what would be an ideal career choice for them.
Take time to enlist all your key skills, experience as well as qualifications along with the salary and additional benefits you are looking for. List down all the companies you are willing to wish for on the other side of the list. Do not forget to list the actual opportunities available at the moment.

Career counseling:-

Though this job hunting tips is very popular among college graduates, it can help the ones already employed and are looking for a new job. Every college have career services department that assist fresh graduates as well as alumni to get relevant employment listings. They also offer resume writing and interview preparation assistance along with career guidance. You can seek help from any professional career adviser to figure out your needs exactly and guidance on how to maximize your qualifications and resources.

Review and update your resume:-

The sole purpose of your resume is to promote you to prospect employers. Hence, it must be capable of highlighting your achievements, qualifications as well as compatibility with the job that you are applying for. Include up-to-date summary of your accomplishments, along with a short description of how it was achieved. It is best to compose a resume under the guidance of a professional.

Approach companies:-

You can directly contact the company where you want to work. In most cases, employers prefer job seekers who apply this way. You can also look for their respective websites and register with them.

Prepare for interview:

This is the last although not the least important job hunting tip. Preparing for the interview can keep you focused and calm on the interview day.


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